How to Let Students Opt Out of Receiving Communications from Your College
Purpose: Use this document as a reference to stopping a student from receiving communications.
Audience: College Staff responsible for maintaining student information.
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZD CC Service Indicate Student
- ZZ CC Service Indicate Student
- ZD CC Service Indicators
- ZD CC Super user
- ZZ CC Service Indicators
You must also set these SACR Security permissions:
- CS 9.2 SACR Security: Basic Requirements for Staff
- CS 9.2 SACR Security - Service Indicator Security
If you need assistance with the above security roles or SACR settings, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access
Students occasionally ask to stop receiving communications from the colleges. The colleges have developed various non-standardized ways of indicating that a student has chosen to opt out of receiving communications from the college. Still, because these business practices are not standardized, it can be difficult to prevent these students from receiving communications.
The SOO service indicator has been created to identify students who have opted out of receiving communications from the college. Once a student has been assigned an SOO service indicator, they can be excluded from query results that have SOO exclusion criteria. This exclusion criteria is added to queries as an optional prompt, meaning that a college can choose whether or not they want to exclude students with an active SOO service indicator from query results.
There are some instances in which a student should not be able to opt-out of communications:
- Financial Aid Communications: Most Financial Aid communications are federally required or critical to send to students. Many Financial Aid offices already have a practice of “canceling” a student’s Financial Aid application to prevent students who do not have financial aid from receiving communications from the college. (A list of students with cancelled applications can be pulled with QCS_FA_AID_APP_STAT_CANCELLED.)
- Student Financials Communications: Many Student Financials communications are also critical to send to students. Some colleges already have methods of excluding students from specific communications. For example, the college may place a B06 (Past Due) service indicator on a student’s account and then exclude students with this service indicator from receiving payment reminders if they have already arranged to pay off their debts.
- Other Communications: Communications related to college admissions, academic standing, drops for non-payment of tuition, etc., may also be considered by the college to be critical for the student to receive.
The power of the SOO service indicator and the optional exclusion prompt is the college can choose whether or not they want to exclude students with an active SOO service indicator from the
Service Indicator Set Up
The SOO service indicator has been created in Production for the following colleges:
- WA010: Peninsula College
- WA030: Olympic College
- WA110: Pierce College
- WA130: Lower Columbia College
- WA140: Clark College
- WA171: Spokane Community College
- WA172: Spokane Falls Community College
- WA220: Tacoma Community College
- WA300: Cascadia College
As the colleges deploy, the SOO service indicator will be built in Production for DG4, DG5, and DG6.
SOO is a no-impact service indicator.
This service indicator is date-based. The start date will default to “today.”
It has not been initially set up to display in Self Service. The college can decide if it would like to display the service indicator and update this setting if needed.
The Description field gives information on the purpose of the service indicator, who is responsible for maintaining it, and how it can exclude students from population selection queries. This field will not be visible to students if the college decides to display the service indicator in Self Service. If appropriate, the college should update this field to add additional detail specific to its business practices.
The SOO service indicator has been built in Production with a single reason code: OPTOU. The college can add additional reason codes to their SOO service indicator and modify OPTOU as needed.
If a college decides to use the OPTOU reason code as originally set up, they should first review the Department code to determine if it is correct.
Note: The college can add additional reason codes to track why students opt out of receiving communications. However, it should be noted that the SOO exclusion criteria added to queries do not consider the reason code assigned to the student; if the student has an active SOO service indicator, they can be excluded from the query results.
Note: SOO will be the only service indicator added to query criteria to exclude students from query results.
SACR access to place and release the SOO has not been assigned to any college users. College users will need to consult their campus security approvers/ IT Helpdesk to gain access to place and release this service indicator.
While the SOO service indicator can be assigned in batch, it is more likely to be manually assigned as students choose to opt out of receiving communications from the college.
A Start Date is required to assign the service indicator. An End Date can also be added, if appropriate. The Start Term and End Term fields should be left blank.
The Contact Information section can be filled out according to the college’s business practices.
There are currently five queries in Production that include the optional SOO exclusion prompt:
This list will increase as queries are created and modified by campus query developers.
Queries in Production will not exclude students who have opted out of receiving communications unless criteria to exclude students with an SOO service indicator have been added to the query.
The SOO exclusion criteria can be added to new and existing queries to provide the option of excluding opt-out students. The exclusion of students with an active SOO service indicator must be optional to ensure that all queries with these criteria can be fully utilized by all colleges and departments.
College query developers can add the following criteria to a query to create the optional SOO exclusion prompt.
- Under the Prompt tab, add a new prompt.
- Field Name: YES_NO_FLAB_LBL
- Heading Type: Text
- Type: Character
- Heading Text: Exclude Students with SOO SI
- Format: Upper
- Length: 1
- Edit Type: Yes/ No Table
- Default Value: N
- Under the Criteria tab, create a new “not in list” Subquery where the student’s EmplID is not returned in the subquery results.

- Add the SRVC_IND_DATA record to the subquery.
- Under the Expressions tab, create the following expression:
Note: Replace “:X” with the prompt number of the “Exclude Students with SOO SI” prompt.

- Use the expression as a field.
- Under the Criteria Tab, add the following criteria:
- Update the query description under the Properties hyperlink. Save the query.
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