View Existing Accommodation Data

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for viewing existing accommodation data in ctcLink.

Audience: College staff responsible for Accommodation Data

You must have at least one of these local college-managed security roles:

  • ZD CC Accommodations Dis
  • ZD CC Super user
  • ZZ CC Accommodations Dis

You must also set these SACR Security permissions:

If you need assistance with the above security roles or SACR settings, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access

Enhancement Request 291 Work Package 1 was implemented in production in February 2025.

  • Colleges will no longer maintain specific accommodation, disability, or diagnosis code data in ctcLink. This is considered Category 4  highly sensitive information and college Disability Support Services Offices will collect and maintain this data at a local level.
  • In ctcLink, Disability Support Services Offices will track students who have been approved for services using a new student group. Access to this student group should be limited, so please ensure local business processes are in place to protect confidential student data.
  • ER Details: ER 291 - (1 of 2) Diagnosis Codes .docx

Navigation:  Campus Community > Personal Information (Student) > Health Information (Student) > Accommodation Data

Accessing Accommodation Data

  1. Enter the appropriate Search Criteria to locate the student you are interested in. This could include details like the student’s ID or name.
  2. After entering the search criteria, click Search to retrieve the student’s records.

Viewing Accommodation Request Details

  1. Accommodation ID: Displays the unique ID assigned to the accommodation request. This is typically a sequential number.
  2. Date of Request: Shows the date when the accommodation request was submitted.
  3. Comment: If any comments were added, you can view the details here. This field is optional and may be blank.
  4. Responsible ID: Displays the Employee ID (Empl ID) of the staff member managing the request.
  5. Status: Shows the current status of the request. Possible statuses include:
    • Pending: The decision on the accommodation is still under review.
    • Accepted: The accommodation request has been evaluated and approved.
    • Undue Hardship: The request has been denied due to significant difficulty or expense for the department or institution.
  6. Request Status As Of: Displays the date when the status was last updated to pending, accepted, or denied.
  7. Regulatory Region: Indicates the regulatory region, such as "USA."
  8. Diagnosis Code: Displays the diagnosis code related to the accommodation request.

Viewing Accommodation Options

  1. Select the Accommodation Option tab to view additional details regarding specific accommodation options.
  2. Option ID: Displays the unique ID for each accommodation option, assigned sequentially.
  3. Employer Suggested Option: If this checkbox is selected, it indicates that the option was suggested by an institutional staff member.
  4. Type: Shows whether the accommodation applies to a student or employee. Codes starting with S are for students, while codes starting with E are for employees.
  5. Currency Code: Indicates the currency used, typically USD (US Dollar).
  6. Cost: Displays any associated costs for the accommodation, if applicable.
  7. Description: Provides a description of the accommodation option, based on local college policy. This field may be blank if no description was provided.
  8. Accommodation Status: Displays the current status of the accommodation option. Statuses include Accepted, Approved, Consider, Offered, Rejected, or Undue Hardship.
  9. Status Date: Shows the date when the accommodation option status was last updated.

Accommodation Job Task Tab

  1. The Accommodation Job Task tab is not needed for viewing accommodation data and can be skipped.
  2. After reviewing the relevant information on the Accommodation Request and Accommodation Option tabs, the viewing process is complete.


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