9.2 Manually Add SEVIS Alert

Purpose: Refer to this document when manually adding a SEVIS Alert to be Exported to SEVIS or the SEVIS Master Component in PeopleSoft.

Audience: College Staff responsible for maintaining student SEVIS information.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:


If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

You must also set these SACR Security permissions:


  • You must first complete the Run the SEVIS Alerts Process before manually adding additional Alerts to send to SEVIS or Send to Master (Master Sync). See related QRG: 9.2 Run the SEVIS Alerts Process
  • The following SEVIS Events can be manually added as an Alert:
    • AuthDropBelowFC  Add
    • AuthDropBelowFC  Cancel
    • AuthDropBelowFC  Edit
    • Dependent  Reprint
    • Disciplinary action
    • Reprint
    • Status  Complete
    • Status - Terminate

Manually Add SEVIS Alert

Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Campus Community > SEVIS > F/M Alerts > Select Alerts to Report - F/M  

  1. The Select Alerts to Report  F/M search page displays.
  2. Enter your SEVIS School Code or use the look-up tool.
  3. Enter the Compare Batch ID, if known, or leave blank, and the most recent Batch ID will populate.
  4. Select the Search button.
Select Alerts Header tab
  1. The Alert Header page will display.
  2. Select the [+] plus sign to add a new row.
Select the plus icon.
  1. A new row now appears.
  2. Enter the Student ID in the ID field or use the look-up tool to find your student.
Enter or look up student ID
If looking up ID, Search results will display
  1. Select the Alert Event Type you are manually adding for this student. The Event Type will default to Status Terminate. Use the drop-down tool to select another option. In this example, the Status Terminate event is selected.
    • Depending on the type selected, you may be prompted to add additional data.
  2. If the Event Type requires additional data, select the Reqd Data link.
To add additional Events Data, select Reqd Data link
  1. The Addl Data tab will display.
  2. Fill out the Required Data and any Remarks, if applicable.
    • For the Status Terminate event type, the Student Termination Reason is a required field.
You now have landed on the Additional Data tab
Enter the required data and any remarks if applicable
  1. Return to the Alerts Header page.
  2. Select the Send To selection.
Add SEVIS in the Send To field
  1. Select Save.
Select the Save button in the lower-left corner of the page.
  1. Process complete.

The information included in this QRG was sourced from Oracle PeopleBooks - Copyright © 1988, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates: https://docs.oracle.com/cd/F38458_01/psft/pdf/cs92lscc-b012021.pdf


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