View Audiometric Exam Information

Purpose: This guide provides instructions for viewing exam records. End users will have view-only access and will cannot enter or modify data.

Audience: Student Services Staff.

You must have at least one of these local college-managed security roles:

  • ZD CC Super user

You must also set these SACR Security permissions:

If you need assistance with the above security roles or SACR settings, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access

Enhancement Request 291 Work Package 1 was implemented in production in February 2025.

  • Colleges will no longer maintain specific accommodation, disability,  or diagnosis code data in ctcLink. This is considered Category 4   highly sensitive information, and college Disability Support Services  Offices will collect and maintain this data at a local level.
  • In ctcLink, Disability Support Services Offices will track students who have been approved for services using a new student group. Access to this student group should be limited, so please ensure local business processes are in place to protect confidential student data.
  • ER Details: ER 291 - (1 of 2) Diagnosis Codes .docx

Navigation: Campus Community > Personal Information > Health Information > Health Information > Audiometric Exam

Accessing Exam Records

  1. Enter the appropriate Search Criteria to locate the student you are interested in. This could include details like the student’s ID or name.
  2. After entering the search criteria, click Search to retrieve the student’s records.

Reviewing Exam Information

  1. Exam Date: Displays the date the exam was given. This date defaults to the system entry date but may have been modified during data entry.
  2. Exam Type: Indicates the type of exam conducted.
  3. Physician ID and Name: Displays the unique identifier of the physician who administered the exam.
  4. Phone: Contains the contact number associated with the physician.
Audio Exam Addr/Phone tab

Viewing Exam Details

  1. Select the Exam Details tab to access additional exam-related information.
  2. Audiometer Serial #: Displays the serial number of the audiometer used for the exam.
  3. Baseline Checkbox: If selected, indicates that this exam serves as a reference point for tracking hearing degradation over time.
  4. Left Ear and Right Ear Results: Include results for each ear.
  5. Decibels: Specifies the decibel level at which the individual hears the designated frequency.
  6. Trouble Frequency Checkbox: Selected if the individual cannot hear a frequency within the appropriate decibel range.
  7. Hearing Classification: Displays the classification that best describes the exam results. Options include:
    1. Abnormal
    2. Abnormal Shift
    3. Early Loss Indication
    4. Normal
  8. Referral: Indicates whether the individual needs further evaluation. Options include:
    1. Audiologist
    2. Personal Physician
    3. None Required
  9. Comments: Contains any additional information relevant to the exam results.
Exam Details Tab