View Audiometric Exam Information
Purpose: This guide provides instructions for viewing exam records. End users will have view-only access and will cannot enter or modify data.
Audience: Student Services Staff.
You must have at least one of these local college-managed security roles:
- ZD CC Super user
You must also set these SACR Security permissions:
If you need assistance with the above security roles or SACR settings, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access
Enhancement Request 291 Work Package 1 was implemented in production in February 2025.
- Colleges will no longer maintain specific accommodation, disability, or diagnosis code data in ctcLink. This is considered Category 4 highly sensitive information, and college Disability Support Services Offices will collect and maintain this data at a local level.
- In ctcLink, Disability Support Services Offices will track students who have been approved for services using a new student group. Access to this student group should be limited, so please ensure local business processes are in place to protect confidential student data.
- ER Details: ER 291 - (1 of 2) Diagnosis Codes .docx
Navigation: Campus Community > Personal Information > Health Information > Health Information > Audiometric Exam
Accessing Exam Records
- Enter the appropriate Search Criteria to locate the student you are interested in. This could include details like the student’s ID or name.
- After entering the search criteria, click Search to retrieve the student’s records.
Reviewing Exam Information
- Exam Date: Displays the date the exam was given. This date defaults to the system entry date but may have been modified during data entry.
- Exam Type: Indicates the type of exam conducted.
- Physician ID and Name: Displays the unique identifier of the physician who administered the exam.
- Phone: Contains the contact number associated with the physician.
Viewing Exam Details
- Select the Exam Details tab to access additional exam-related information.
- Audiometer Serial #: Displays the serial number of the audiometer used for the exam.
- Baseline Checkbox: If selected, indicates that this exam serves as a reference point for tracking hearing degradation over time.
- Left Ear and Right Ear Results: Include results for each ear.
- Decibels: Specifies the decibel level at which the individual hears the designated frequency.
- Trouble Frequency Checkbox: Selected if the individual cannot hear a frequency within the appropriate decibel range.
Hearing Classification: Displays the classification that best describes the exam results. Options include:
- Abnormal
- Abnormal Shift
- Early Loss Indication
- Normal
Referral: Indicates whether the individual needs further evaluation. Options include:
- Audiologist
- Personal Physician
- None Required
- Comments: Contains any additional information relevant to the exam results.