9.2 Processing Other Credit
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for processing other credit in ctcLink.
Audience: Transfer Credit Evaluator
You must have at least one of these local college-managed security roles:
- ZC SR Transfer Credit Eval
- ZD SR Transfer Credit Eval
- ZZ SR Transfer Credit Eval
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Processing Other Credit
Navigation: Records and Enrollment > Transfer Credit Evaluation > Other Credits - Manual
- The Other Credits search page displays.
- Select the Add a New Value tab.
- Enter ID.
- Enter Academic Career.
- Enter Academic Institution.
- Select Add.
- The Other Credit Detail tab displays.
- Enter Transcript Level.
- Enter Academic Program.
- Enter Academic Plan (optional).
- Enter Articulation Term. For credits to be posted, the student must be term activated in the articulation term. Please see the Term Activation QRG for further review of term activation.
- Select the Edit Equivalent Course icon. Additional courses can be added for that articulation term by selecting the [+] icon to add a new row

- The Equivalent Course Information page displays.
- Enter Other Credit section identifies the incoming credit.
- Enter "Prior Learning Assessment" for all Academic Credit for Prior Learning.
- Enter "CTE Dual Credit" for all CTE Dual Credits awarded.
- In the Short Desc, enter the appropriate selection as follows:
- Enter "ACPL" for all Academic Credit for Prior Learning.
- Enter "CTE" for CTE Dual Credits awarded.
- Enter Long Description.
- Enter the Description below for all Academic Credit for Prior Learning.
- Enter "CTE Dual Credit" for CTE Dual Credits awarded.
Prior Experiential Learning
(Code-Description--recommended naming convention)
- PLA-PRPortfolio Review
- PLA-HSPRHS21 + Portfolio Review
Extra-Institutional Learning
(Code-Description--recommended naming convention)
- PLA-CRTIndividual Industry Certification
- PLA-OCWOccupational Crosswalks
- PLA-ACEAmerican Council on Education
- PLA-JSTJoint Services Transcript
Course Challenges
(Code-Description--recommended naming convention)
- PLA-CLGCredit by Exam
CTE Dual Credit
(Code-Description--recommended naming convention)
- CTE-Dual Credit
- Select the Other Credit Type code from the list to match the description entered in the step above.
- Enter the Evaluation Date.
- The Equivalent Course section identifies the course for which the student will be granted an equivalent.
- Enter or look up the Course ID. Based on the local business process, this populates the other fields based on the catalog but can be adjusted as needed.
- Change the Grading Basis-- GRD/SUS/PNP must be used. Use the TRN grading basis if your institution is not awarding the credit but transferring the credit.
- Please refer to the SBCTC policy manual for more ACPL credits information and policy guidelines.
- Replace Official Grade "T" with "S" (Satisfactory) or "P" (Pass) based on the local transfer credit business process.
- Select Include in FA WI Stats checkbox. Marking the FA WI Status box includes the courses in the Financial Aid Weeks of Instruction calculations. The Financial Aid Term process uses these values to calculate the student's academic level.
- Select OK.
According to the Academic Credit for Prior Learning coding guidelines document, colleges must include transcript text that clearly identifies the category or source of prior learning. For additional details on other credit information and policy guidelines, please refer to the SBCTC policy manual.
- The Other Credit Detail tab displays.
- Select the Other Credit by Term tab.
- The Other Credit by Term tab displays.
- Select Calculate to add this course to the student’s transfer credit statistics.
- Select Post to post the credit to the student’s record.
- Select Post. This will automatically save the page.
- Verify the Model Status = “Posted.” Credits in “Completed” status will not post to the student transcript or calculate in the student’s statistics.
Model Status = "Complete" if the student is not Term Activated for the articulation term selected.

- Model Status updates to "Posted".
- Select Save.
Process complete.
Correcting the Grading Basis on Other Credits
This section demonstrates how to change the grading basis of a student who has been awarded academic credit for Prior Learning or CTE Dual Credit .
- The Other Credits search page displays.
- Select the Find an Existing Value tab.
- Enter the student's ID.
- Enter the Academic Career.
- Enter the Academic Institution.
- Select Search.
- Select the Other Credit by Term tab located at the top of the page.
- On the Other Credit by Term page, select Unpost (located at the right-side of screen.)
- Toggle back to the Other Credit Detail tab.
- Select the Edit Equivalent Course icon located in the section containing the Articulation Term.

- Activate the looking glass in the Grading Basis field and select GRD. Take note of the grade, as it will be removed when you change the grading basis.
- In the Official Grade field, re-enter the grade that was noted earlier.
- Select OK at the top of the screen.
To access the most current query information, we advise visiting dataservicesmetalink.sbctc.edu. Moreover, we encourage you to discover the best methods for finding queries and reports by visiting Recommended Methods for Searching Queries and Reports.
Process complete.
Video Tutorial
The video below demonstrates the process actions described in steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.
Video Tutorial via Panopto
View the external link to Processing Other Credit. This link will open in a new tab/window.
The generate article to PDF link does not work. Get an error message indicating that Page not found.
Tanjagay Martin
Hello Suzanne, Thank you for your comment. It sounds like you might want to change browsers or allow a pop-up window. Here are a few resources--follow the instructions below to configure your web browser to allow pop-up windows for your selected websites.
-Apple Safari (macOS) https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT203987
-Google Chrome .current (Windows/macOS) https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95472?hl=en&co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop
-Mozilla Firefox.current (Windows/macOS) https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/pop-blocker-settings-exceptions-troubleshooting
-Microsoft Internet Explorer (Windows) https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/change-security-and-privacy-settings-for-internet-explorer-11-9528b011-664c-b771-d757-43a2b78b2afe
Would you mind letting us know if this resolves your issue? Thank you--Tanjagay Martin | CS Core Trainer
Therese McGee
At one time, there was a section listing examples of or recommendations for the Other Credit, Short Desc.,
and Long Description fields. Where did that go?
Tanjagay Martin
Hello Therese, Thank you for the question. I added the information from the QRG you mentioned--great suggestion. ~Tanjagay Martin | CS Core Trainer
Kari Collen
Could you please include the query for ACPL? It would be helpful to have it included with the QRG for processing.
Tanjagay Martin
Hi Kari,
There are multiple ACPL queries; therefore, I added metaLink information so users can search for the queries that meet their business needs. Thank you so much, Kari. ~Tanjagay Martin | CS Core Trainer
Amy West
Good Afternoon, I work for a CTE Dual Credit Consortium - PNW College Credit - partnered with Bellevue College, Lake WA IT, and Edmonds College. I am hoping you could tell me who to contact regarding CTE Dual Credit course credit being transcribed as "ACPL" or "other" credit. I know that SBCTC instructed the change to transcribing in this way - but who authorized the policy change? Again, I'm not sure you can answer my questions, but if you could please let me know who to contact, I would greatly appreciate it!
Tanjagay Martin
Hello Amy, Thanks for asking such a great question. The SBCTC Student & Course Coding Manual (https://www.sbctc.edu/colleges-staff/data-services/coding-and-reporting-guidelines), last updated on 07/10/2024, states the following, "In the fall of 2016, the Joint Transfer Council (JTC), WACTC Education Services, Instruction Commission and the Articulation and Transfer Council (ATC) approved the following modifications: 1) 'Awarding Credit for Non-Traditional Learning' will now be referred to as 'Academic Credit for Prior Learning.' The current WSAC Prior Learning Assessment Work Group will be referred to going forward as the Academic Credit for Prior Learning Work Group (pp. 38-39)." I hope you find this information helpful. Please accept my sincere thanks for your time. ~Tanjagay Martin | CS Core Trainer.