9.2 Create and Update the Enrollment Appointment Table
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for how to create and update the enrollment appointment table in ctcLink.
Audience: Student Records staff
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZD SR Student Appoint Inquiry
- ZZ SR Enroll Term Processing
- ZZ SR Student Appointment
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
The Appointment Table must be created for each term where enrollment appointments will be assigned. Appointments are created for each session unless the Dynamic Dated Session and OEE session will use the same Appointments as the Regular Session. If DYN and OEE will share appointments with the Regular Academic Session, set the Appointment Control Session drop-down on the pages for those sessions to Regular Academic Session.
Creating and Updating the Enrollment Appointment Table
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Records and Enrollment > Term Processing > Appointments > Appointment Table
- The Appointment Table search page displays.
- Enter Selection Criteria to identify your appointment table.
- Select Search.

- The Appointment Table tab displays.
- Appointment Control Session: Enter a session to which you want to point this session's appointment information. This is typically blank for the regular session and set to Regular Academic Session for the Dynamic Dated and OEE sessions.

- For the Dynamic Dated and OEE sessions (on the 2nd and 3rd row), ensure the Appointment Control Session is set to Regular Academic Session from the drop-down box.

- Display in Self Service: Check the boxes when you want the appointments to appear on the student's Student Center page.
- Select the Enrollment Appointments tab.

- The Enrollment Appointments tab displays.
- Appointment Block: Enter a code for the to identify the Appointment Block.
- Description: Enter the description for the Appointment Block.
- Appt Nbr: This will default.
- Start Date: Input the Start date for this appointment number.
- Start Time: Input the Start time for this appointment number.
- End Date: Input the End date for this appointment number.
- End Time: Input the End time for this appointment number.
- Number of students per appointment: Input the number of students that will be assigned to this appointment number.
- In the Appointments section, select the Add a New Row [+] icon if you want to add additional appointment numbers to this appointment block.
- In the Appointment Blocks section, select the Add a New Row [+] icon if you want to add additional appointment blocks for the session.
- Select the Validation Appointments tab.

Validation appointments function similarly to enrollment appointments. It allows students to validate their enrollment prior to processing the enrollment transactions.
- The Validation Appointments tab displays.
- Appointment Block: Enter a code for the to identify the Appointment Block.
- Description: Enter the description for the Appointment Block.
- Appt Nbr: This will default .
- Start Date: Input the Start date for this appointment number.
- Start Time: Input the Start time for this appointment number.
- End Date: Input the End date for this appointment number.
- End Time: Input the End time for this appointment number.
- Number of Students per Appointment: Input the number of students that will be assigned to this appointment number.
- In the Appointments section, select the Add a New Row [+] icon if you want to add additional appointment numbers to this appointment block.
- In the Appointment Blocks section, select the Add a New Row [+] icon if you want to add additional appointment blocks for the session.
- Select Save.

- Process complete.
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