9.2 W-2 Data Preparation - Running the Error Listing Process

Purpose: The Error Listing (CTC_T900) process generates a report that lists employees who have negative tax balances and also checks for a variety of other error conditions, such as missing Federal Tax Data record, missing or invalid social security number, etc.

Audience:  Payroll Administrators

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZC Payroll Data Maintenance
  • ZZ Payroll Data Maintenance
  • ZZ Payroll Processing

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Steps for Listing and Resolving Errors

1. Run the Error Listing report.

2. Review output from the Error Listing and correct all error conditions.

3. Rerun the Error Listing report.

4. Repeat steps 2-3 until the Error Listing report indicates that all possible error conditions have been eliminated or otherwise resolved.

W-2 Data Preparation - Running the Error Listing Process

In preparation for W-2 Tax Forms Annual Reporting, it is recommended to run the Error Listing Report (CTC_T900) as often as necessary, so errors can be corrected in a timely manner.
The required global setup for the current tax year is normally completed by the 2nd quarter of the calendar year

Navigation: Payroll for North America > U.S. Annual Processing > Audit and Error Reports > Error Listing

  1. The Error Listing search page displays.
  2. Search for an Existing Value or Add a New Value for the Run Control ID.
  3. Select the Search or Add button.
  4. The Error Listing page displays.
  5. Select the Run button.
  6. The Process Scheduler Request page displays.
  7. Select the OK button.
  8. Select the Process Monitor link and make note of the Process Instance number for future reference.
  9. The Process Monitor page displays.
  10. From the Process List tab, select the Refresh button periodically until the Run Status field is Success and the Distribution Status field is Posted.
  11. Select Details to review the Process Detail.
  12. The Process Detail page displays.
  13. Select the View Log/Trace to review and download the Error Listing report.
  14. The View Log/Trace page displays.
  15. Select the ctc_t900_XXXXXX.PDF (XXXXXX is the process instance number).

Process complete.


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