Transmitting Payroll Data to A/P
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for sending payroll data to AP for payment to vendors in ctcLink. This task is performed centrally for all colleges in the ctcLink system after all colleges have completed the Payroll Confirm step.
Audience: Centralized (State Board) Payroll Administrator.
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- <there are no college-assignable roles>
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Payroll for North America is used to send taxes, benefits, garnishments, and voluntary deductions withheld from employee paychecks directly to Payables for payment. Payables issues payment in the form of checks or electronic fund transfers as required by the third-party, and makes the appropriate general ledger entries.
Note: The pay run must be confirmed before extracting deductions. In addition, the Non-Commitment Accounting GL Interface process (PAYGL01 or PAYGL01A), must run successfully before extracting deductions.
This QRG demonstrates how to extract and send deduction vouchers to Payables.
The diagram below illustrates the Payables interface processing for sending deductions to ctcLink (PeopleSoft) Payables.
Transmitting Payroll Data to A/P

Navigation: Payroll for North America > Payroll Distribution > Accounts Payable Information
- Run one or more extract processes to move selected deductions into temporary tables for viewing.
ctcLink enables extraction of non-tax deductions and U.S. federal, state, or local taxes and updates the AP Status field on the Review Paycheck component (PAY_CHECK) with an X to indicate that the deduction has been extracted for payment through Payables.
- Review and validate proposed payments.
- Review AP Extract-Headers displays summary data by vendor.
- Review AP Extract-Lines displays details of deductions.
- AP Extract Audit report (PAYXTRCT) lists details of extracted non-tax deductions.
- Run the Send Vouchers to AP process (PYAP_VCHPOST), to create and send the vouchers to Payables.
ctcLink updates the AP Status field on the Review Paycheck component (PAY_CHECK) with an S to indicate that the deduction has been sent, and clears deductions from the temporary tables.
- Review the Process Monitor to confirm that the voucher records were successfully sent.

- The process to transmit payroll to A/P is now complete.
End of procedure.
To complete the voucher process to payment refer the FIN Perform Voucher Build QRG
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