Running the Pay Check Absence Report

Purpose: Use this document to run the Pay Check Absence Report. This process pulls Leave and Compensation Time Balances from Absence Management and Time & Labor modules in a holding table, which data later will be later displayed on the employee's pay stub under SUMMARY LEAVE BALANCES section when the PDF Paychecks and PDF Advices are created.

The Pay Check Absence Report is included as a step in the custom consolidated PSJob CONFIRM - ctcLink Pay Confirm Jobs, but it can be run separately, if needed.

IMPORTANT: The Pay Check Absence Report should be run for the Pay Run ID that currently has been confirmed. Do not run for previous or future pay periods.

Audience: Payroll Specialists

Below is an example of Leave and Compensation Time balances display on PDF Pay Advice or PDF Paycheck in Employee Self Service, after the Create PDF Paychecks and Create PDF Pay Advices processes have been run.

Example of Summary Leave Balances table that will appear on the employee's pay stub.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZD Absence Mngmt Reporting
  • ZZ ABS Management Support

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Navigation:  Payroll for North America > CTC Custom > CTC Processes >  Pay Check Absence Report

  1. The Pay Check Absence Report search page displays.
  2. Enter an existing Run Control ID or select the Add a New Value tab if this is the first time running the process and create a new Run Control ID.
  3. Select the Search or Add button, depending on the result of step 2.
  4. The Pay Check Absence Report page displays.
  5. Enter or select the Pay Run ID lookup icon and select the desired pay run ID.
  6. Select the Run button.

This process/report only works properly for the current pay period (Pay Run ID) only.

If a previous pay period or future pay period is entered by the Pay Run ID, the process results in an error.

  1. The Process Scheduler Request page displays.
  2. Verify the process Select box is enabled.
  3. Select the OK button.
  4. The The Pay Check Absence Report page displays.
  5. Make note of the Process Instance number and click the Process Monitor link.
  6. The Process Monitor page displays.
  7. Select the Refresh button periodically until the Run Status field equals Success and the Distribution Status field equals Posted.
  8. Select the Details link in the Process List grid for the CTC_ABSBL_AE process name.
  9. The Process Detail page displays.
  10. Select the View Log/Trace link.
  11. The View Log/Trace page displays.
  12. Select the PAY_CHECK_ABSENCE_REPORTING_instancenumber.log link in the File List.
  13. The Process / Interface Log displays. Review any errors that may be listed, resolve and run the report again.

NOTE: Here is where you would see the error if the Pay Run ID specified a previous or future pay period.

End of procedure.


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