Performing Quick Calculation

Purpose: Use this document as a reference to calculate and view checks from the Payline directly. Using the Quick Calculation computes checks for one employee at a time and it takes less time to finish, compared to the regular Calculate Payroll process.

Payroll administrators can use generated checks from Quick Calculation to verify pay information and help answer what-if questions in payroll. Based on the calculated results, the administrator can view the amount that will be payable to the employee or adjust the employee's payroll data for the final pay calculation as needed. If the results are correct, they can be used in the payroll confirmation process.

Audience: Payroll Administrators.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZC Payroll Data Maintenance
  • ZZ Payroll Data Maintenance
  • ZZ SS Payroll

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Perform Quick Calculation

Fluid Navigation: Workforce Administrator homepage > Payroll Administration tile > By Payline Security left-side menu

Classic Navigation: Payroll for North America > Payroll Processing for USA > Update Paysheets > By Payline Security

The By Payline Security search page displays.

  1. Enter the Pay Period End Date or select the date from the calendar icon.
  2. Enter the Empl ID.
    : Enter the page number and line number from the pay sheet for the specific payline if known. This makes locating the individual payline easier.
  3. Select the Search button.

The Search Results display.

The Quick Calculation can calculate single checks for employees with multiple jobs in these scenarios:

  • The employee has jobs in the same company and pay group
  • The employee has jobs in the same company, same pay run, and different pay groups.

When Quick Calculation is launched from the payline of one of the employee's jobs and completes successfully, a single calculated check is generated for all the employee's jobs. The same check becomes available in all the paylines for those jobs on the Quick Calculation page for review.

  1. Select the Payline to update and the By Payline Security page displays.
  2. Select the Payline tab.
  3. In the Earnings section title bar, notice the number of earnings rows (1 of 1 in this example). Select the Add a New Row [+] icon.
By Payline Security page with Payline tab and add a new row icon highlighted.

NOTE: The Calculate button becomes available after the creation of paysheets. However, prior to adding a new row on the payline page, the Calculate button on the Quick Calculation tab is disabled. It is available again after a change is made to the employee-level data (for example, compensation rate update on Job) or the payline. Payline change can be a manual update on the Payline page, such as adding a new row, or an update because of paysheet data load from different sources, such as Load Paysheets Transactions or Load Time and Labor. It becomes unavailable after the pay calculation or quick calculation is run. After the final calculation is run, the Calculate button becomes unavailable permanently.

By Payline Security page with Quick Calculation tab and disabled Calculate button highlighted.
  1. After adding the new row, the row count increments and you are able to make the appropriate changes to use the quick calculation feature.
    In this example, an Other Earnings Amount of $1,100.00 is added under the REG (regular) earnings Code. It could be hours and rate, or what ever the combination of fields appropriate to the situation.
By Payline Security page, Earnings section with added row, OK to Pay, Code and Amount fields highlighted.with Quick Calculation tab and disabled Calculate button highlighted.
  1. Select the Quick Calculation tab after completing the payline change.
  2. Select the Calculate button which is now enabled.
By Payline Security page with Quick Calculation tab and Calculate button highlighted.
  1. When the calculation has completed, the Calculate button becomes disabled and a Paycheck Summary row displays.
  2. The Paycheck Summary displays the summary and details of the calculated paycheck(s), such as Pay Group, paysheet Page and Line number, and paycheck totals: Gross, Taxes, Deductions and Net Pay.

NOTE: Paycheck information is no longer available in this section if the payline that was used to calculate the paycheck has been modified.

  1. The Check Details field provides a link to open a modal page for the administrator to view the detailed paycheck data for the employee, which includes the Review Paycheck pages. Select the Check Details link.
By Payline Security page with Quick Calculation tab, disabled Calculate button, Paycheck Summary section, and Check Details link highlighted.
  1. The Paycheck Data page displays with three tabs for: Paycheck Earnings, Paycheck Taxes and Paycheck Deductions. Select and review each tab for the results of the calculations and amounts as applied to the earnings, taxes and deductions.

NOTE: This gives you the same results as the procedure to Review Paycheck during normal payroll processing.

Paycheck Data pagelet with three  tabs, paycheck totals, row count, other earnings section highlighted.
  1. Payroll administrators can use generated checks from the Quick Calculation feature to verify pay information. Based on the calculated results, the administrator can view the amount that will be payable to the employee or go back and adjust the employee's payroll data as needed for the final pay calculation . If the results are correct, they can be used in the payroll confirmation process.

The procedure to perform quick calculation is complete.


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