9.2 Setting Up an Employee Instance

Purpose: Use this document to set up an employee instance in ctcLink.

Audience: Human Resources Staff and Payroll Specialists.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZC HR Employee Maintenance
  • ZZ HR Employee Maintenance
  • ZZ SS Workforce Administrator

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Set Up an Employee Instance

Add a Person

Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Workforce Administration > Personal Information > Add a Person

  1. The Add a Person page displays.
  2. Use the Person ID field to enter a unique identification value for the employee. Otherwise, a field value of NEW will let the system create a unique Person ID for you.
  3. Select the Add Person button.
Add a Person Page
  1. The Modify a Person page displays.
  2. From the Biographical Details tab, enter or update an individual's name and other basic biographical data.
  3. The Effective Date field displays the date on which the name information becomes valid. The date defaults to the current system date, but can be changed if needed.
  4. Select the Format Type list and choose the desired language type from the drop down menu.
  5. Select the Add Name button.
Format Type Selection
  1. The Name pagelet displays.
  2. Select the Prefix list and choose the desired prefix title from the drop-down menu, if desired.
  3. Enter the desired information into the First Name field.
  4. Enter the desired information into the Last Name field.
  5. Select the Refresh Name button.
  6. Select the OK button.
Name pagelet

Biographical Details

  1. The Modify a Person page displays.
  2. In the Biographic Information section, enter the desired information into the Date of Birth field. You can manually enter the desired information using the mm/dd/yyyy format, or you may select the calendar icon.
  3. The Effective Date field under the Biographical History section displays the date from which the biographical information is valid.
  4. You might need to enter a new row if this employee's education level or marital status changes sometime in the future.
  5. Select the Gender list and choose the desired gender designation from the drop-down menu.
  6. Select the Highest Education Level list and choose the desired education level from the drop-down menu.
  7. Select the Martial Status list and choose the desired marital status from the drop-down menu.
Date of Birth Entry
  1. If the National ID field is not expanded, select the drop-down arrow.
  2. Enter the desired information into the National ID field.
National ID section
  1. Select the Contact Information tab.
  2. Select the Add Address Detail link.
Contact Information Tab
  1. The Address History page displays.
  2. Use the Effective Date field to enter the date from which the address information is valid.
  3. Select the Add Address link.
Address History Add Address Page
  1. The Edit Address page displays.
  2. Enter the desired information into the Address 1 field.
  3. Enter the desired information into the City field.
  4. Enter the desired information into the State field.
  5. Enter the desired information into the Postal field.
  6. Select the OK button.
Edit Address Page
  1. The Address History page displays.
  2. Select the OK button.
Address History Page
  1. The Modify a Person page displays.
  2. In the Phone Information section, select the Phone Type list and choose the desired phone type from the drop-down menu.
  3. Enter the desired information into the Telephone field using the 1234567890 format.
  4. Select the Preferred option box, if applicable.
  5. In the Email Addresses section, select the Email Type list and choose the desired email type from the drop-down menu.
  6. Enter the desired information into the Email Address field using the [email protected] format.
  7. Select the Preferred option box, if applicable.
Phone and Email Entry

Organizational Relationships

  1. Select the Organizational Relationships tab.
  2. Use the Organizational Relationships page to select an organizational relationship and checklist to create for this person.
  3. Select the Employee option box.
  4. You must select the Add Relationship button to save relationship data on this component.
  5. Select the Add Relationship button.
Add relationship button selection

If you selected Employee or Contingent Worker, the system redirects you to either the New Employment Instance component (JOB_DATA_EMP) or the New Contingent Worker Instance component (JOB_DATA_CWR).

If you selected Person of Interest, the system redirects you to either the Person of Interest Job Data component (JOB_DATA_POI) or the Add a POI Reltn to a Person component (PERS_POI_ADD), depending on the POI type you selected.

Work Location

  1. The Work Location tab displays to define the work location that this employee is associated with.
  2. The Job Indicator list is used to indicate whether this is the person's primary or secondary job for this organizational relationship. Select N/A (not applicable) if those options don't apply to this job. This field is used to process people with more than one organizational instance in a single organizational relationship.
  3. Select the Job Indicator list and choose the desired job type from the drop-down menu.
  4. Enter the desired information (e.g. 220) into the Company field.
  5. Use the Department field to select the code of the employee's department. When you leave the field, the system inserts a default supervisor's ID on the Job Information page if you enter a default supervisor ID for this department in the Department table.
  6. Enter the desired information into the Department field.
  7. Enter the desired information into the Location field.
New Employment Instance Job and Company Entry
  1. Select the Job Information tab.

Job Information

The Job Information page is used to define an employee's job, supervisor relationship, and shift information.

PeopleSoft Payroll for North America uses the Job Code field to create a pay line on employee paysheets. The system creates a pay earnings record for each active job code on the employee's employment record.

  1. Enter the desired information into the Job Code field.
  2. Select the Regular/Temporary list and choose an item from the drop-down menu to indicate whether the employee is a regular or temporary employee.
  3. The Manage Base Benefits business process uses the values that you selected in the Regular/Temporary and Full/Part lists to determine eligibility requirements.
  4. Use the Officer Code list to identify highly compensated employees for the Non-Discrimination Testing - 401(k)/401(m) report (NDT004). The default value is None.
Job Information Tab Job Code Entry


Use the Payroll page to enter payroll processing data. The payroll system and pay group information that you enter here affects component compensation processing on the Compensation page.

  1. Select the Payroll tab.
  2. The Payroll tab displays.  
  3. Enter the desired information into the Pay Group field.
  4. Use the Tax Location Code field to specify a tax location code based on the employee's primary work state and location.
  5. Enter the desired information into the Tax Location Code field.
Payroll Tab Pay Group Entry

You should not change an employee's Tax Location Code more than once for the same effective date (using effective sequence). The system creates tax records according to the first tax location change only. Tax records for the second tax location change on the same date are not created; instead, the system issues an error message.


Use the Compensation page to enter employee compensation information, including:

  • pay rate determinant
  • pay plan
  • pay table
  • pay grade
  • pay step
  • frequency
  • and other pay

You can also enter retained pay plan, pay table, pay grade, and step on this page.

  1. Select the Compensation tab.
  2. Enter the desired information into the Rate Code field.
  3. Enter the desired information into the Comp Rate field.
  4. Enter the desired information into the Currency field.
  5. Select the Calculate Compensation button.
  6. Select the OK button.
Compensation Tab
  1. The Modify a Person page displays.
  2. Select the Save button.
  3. You have successfully set up an employee instance.
  4. End of Procedure.


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