Overview of Earnings Statements

Purpose:  Use this document as an overview of interpretation for earnings statements in ctcLink.

Audience:  Employees

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZZ Former Employee
  • ZZ PeopleSoft User

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Two examples are shown below.  

  1. One example for employees utilizing Direct Deposit (a classified employee).
  2. One example for employees utilizing manual/paper checks (an hourly employee).

Earnings statement may look different than your own statement depending on employee deductions, benefit enrollments chosen, etc.

Overview of Earnings Statements

Viewing Paychecks/Earning Statements

Fluid Navigation:  HCM Employee Self Service > Payroll (Tile) > Paychecks (Tile)

  1. The Paychecks page displays.
  2. Select arrow at far right of desired paycheck for review.

Printing Earning Statements

  1. The desired paycheck displays.
  2. Select printer icon in upper right hand corner.
  3. Change printer location if needed.

Direct Deposit Example (PeopleSoft Example)

  1. Pay Information
    Employee pay group assignment
    Pay period dates
  2. Pay Information
    Business Unit (college number)
    Check number
    Check issue date
  3. Employee demographics (home/mailing address, etc.)
  4. Employee Information
    Empl ID
    Work Location
    Job Title
    Pay Rate
  5. Tax Data (Federal and State-if an employee has another state deducting taxes, it will show here)
    Marital Status
    Additional Percent
    Additional Amount
  6. Hours and Earnings (Current and Year to Date; includes totals)
    Description of hours
  7. Taxes (Current and Year to Date; includes totals)
    Federal Withholding
    Fed MED/EE
    Fed OASDI/EE
  8. Before Tax Deductions (Current and Year to Date; includes totals)
    For benefit eligible employee who elected to enroll in the respective benefit plans, the deductions below may be displayed.  
    *Uniform Classic  
    *Flexible Spending Account
    *PERS Plan 2
    TCC Pretax Parking
    Other Before Tax Deductions
  9. After Tax Deductions (Current and Year to Date; includes totals)
    For benefit eligible employee who elected to enroll in the respective benefit plans, the deductions below may be displayed.  
    *Long Term Disability
    *SBVIP Pre & After Tax
    Combined Fund Drive (CFD)
    Medical Aid EE
    Paid Medical Leave EE
    Paid Family Leave EE
  10. Employer Paid Benefits (Current and Year to Date)
    For benefit eligible employee who elected to enroll in the respective benefit plans, the deductions below may be displayed.  
    *PERS Plan 2
    Industrial Insurance ER
    Medical Aid ER
    Paid Family & Medical Leave ER
    *FSA Admin Fee
    *HCA Average Cost
  11. Total Gross/Federal Taxable Gross/Total Taxes/Total Deductions/Net Pay (Current and Year to Date)
  12. Summary Leave Balances (Displays most recent balances from Absence Management and Time & Labor Compensation Time)
    Vac (Vacation)
    Sck (Sick)
    NSCK  (Non comp sick leave)
    P/H (Personal Holiday)
    PERS (Personal Day)
    CMP (Compensation Time)
  13. Net Pay Distribution (Includes total)
    (FOR DIRECT DEPOSITS ONLY, the below applies)
    Advice Number (if set up for direct deposit, if not set up a check number will appear)
    Account Type (checking or savings)
    Account Number(s)
    Deposit Amount(s)
  14. Message - Always blank space, reserved for future development.
PS Earnings Statement Example

Manual/Paper Check Example (PeopleSoft Example)

  1. Check Number
  2. To the order of:  Employee name, address etc.
  3. Signature line:  Executive signature
  4. Leave Balances:  Vacation, Sick-Comp, Sick-Non-Compensated, Compensated Time, Personal Holiday, etc.
  5. Number of hours worked, Gross amounts, Taxable Gross amounts
  6. Employer Contributions:  Dependent on benefit enrollment(s)
  7. Employee Deductions:  Dependent on benefit enrollments, etc.
Hard copy paycheck example

The overview of earnings statement is now complete.


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