9.2 Enter W-2C in ctcLink
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for how to record W-2C in ctcLink.
Audience: Payroll Administrator.
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZC Payroll Data Maintenance
- ZZ Payroll Data Maintenance
- ZZ Payroll Processing
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Enter W-2C Batch in ctcLink
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Payroll for North America > US Annual Processing > W-2 Adjustments > Create W-2c US/Territories
- The Create W-2c US/Territories search page displays.
- Select Add a New Value.
- Enter Company.
- Enter Calendar Year.
- Enter Emplid.
- Select the Tax Form Identification of W-2.
- Select Add.

- Create W-2C US/Territories page is displayed.
NOTE: The system retrieves the employee address information shown in the Create W-2c page from the employee’s original W-2 Form. When preparing Form W-2c for an employee, verify that the address information shown is current. Make any required changes in the address fields on the Create W-2C page before saving the W-2c entry.
- W-2 Information: This section allows you to make changes to employee’s personal data. Corrections to SSN, Name or address will need to also be entered on Workforce Administration screens.
- Batch Number: A number is assigned by the system to combine in one batch the W-2c records you enter to process. The system increments this number by one and assigns a new batch number each time W-2c records are being processed. All W-2c records in a batch must be for the same tax year.
Status: The status of the currently displayed W-2c record:
- Open - The record is part of a batch that has not yet been processed
- Closed - The record is part of a batch that has been processed
- Void - The record is not to be processed
- Employee Status This section allows you to update Retirement Plan participation. Corrections made to Retirement Plan participation need to be reflected on Enroll in Benefits, Retirement Plans page under Benefits area.
W-2 Details This section allows you to select the specific box for corrections.
- Select the W-2 box you want to update.
- The Previous field displays the original amount, which is also pre-populated as the default in Corrected field. If you enter an amount in Corrected field, the system calculates the change value and displays it in the Increase/Decrease field. If you enter a value in the Increase/Decrease field, the system changes the amount in the Corrected field by that value. Precede the decrease amount with a minus sign (-).
- Select the (+) on the right hand side of the screen, if you need to select another box to update.
- Select Save when all corrections have been entered.
- To make a W-2c entry for a different employee, select the Add button and repeat the above steps.
- When W-2c data entries are completed for all the employees in the Open Batch, review data and make corrections as needed.
- Note: Corrections could be made while the status of the Batch is Open.
- Contact the ctcLink Support HCM team to produce the W-2c Form(s) for viewing in Employee Self Service. The respective process will close the Batch.
- Process complete.
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