9.2 Recording One-Time Paysheet Garnishments
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for how to record a one-time paysheet garnishment transaction in ctcLink.
Audience: Payroll Administrators.
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- <there are no college-assignable roles>
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Payroll for North America > Payroll Processing USA > Update Paysheets > By Payline
- The By Payline search page displays.
- Select the Company lookup icon and select the appropriate option.
- Enter the Pay Period End Date.
- Enter the Empl ID.
- Select the Search button.

Note: One-Time Code options include:
- Override Garnishment Amounts,
- Refund Garnishment Amount,
- and Suspend Garnishment Amount.
Note: There are many options to select from for the Deduction Calculation Routine, the system defaults to Maximum Allowed, select the Deduction Calculation Routine for the type of override you are doing.
- The By Payline page displays.
- Select the One-Time Garnishment tab.
- Select the Garnishment ID lookup icon.
- Select Override Garnishment Amount in the One Time Code drop down.
- Enter the dollar amount in the Flat Amount field in the One-Time Garnishment Override section.
- Select the Save button.

- The process to record a one-time paysheet garnishments is now complete.
- End of procedure.
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