9.2 Run Create HCA Avg Cost Paysheets

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for using the custom process “Create HCA Avg Cost Paysheets” in ctcLink.

Audience: Payroll Administrators.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZZ Payroll Processing

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

As a result of running this process, any person who has a Benefit Program of SB1 and HR Active/Payroll Inactive, but who did not have a paysheet (ex. Faculty members on Short Work Break), will now have a paysheet generated with all employer contributions (Nontaxable Benefit) that will pass through the payroll process.  The paycheck itself will have 0 Net Pay.

The Nontaxable Benefit deduction HCA Average Cost will only generate on an A Payroll.

Deductions which are not reliant on a calculation that represents a portion of the employees pay (ex. Health deduction, HSA deduction, etc.) will also be generated and enter into the Arrears table if there is no Pre-Pay set up for that employee for the period of time in which they are not being paid.

The intention of this custom process is that it will be run every payroll to make sure all employer contributions are paid regardless of employee circumstance.

Note:  This process can only be run if Paysheets have been created for a given Payroll period, and at least one Payroll calculation or pre-calculation has been run.

It will not work for a specific Payroll if it has already been confirmed for a period.  

Create HCA Avg Cost Paysheets

Navigation:  Payroll for North America > CTC Custom > CTC Processes > Create HCA Avg Cost Paysheets

Please see Payroll Checklist QRG for the exact step order this process needs to run.

  1. The Create HCA Avg Cost Paysheets search page displays.
  2. Enter an existing Run Control ID on the Find an Existing Value tab, or select the Add a New Value tab to create a new Run Control ID.
  3. Select the Search or Add button, depending on the tab chosen.
  4. The Create HCA Average Cost Paysheets displays.
  5. The Run Control ID displays based on the initial input. As of February 2023, the Process Request Parameters for this process is by Pay Run ID only.
  6. NOTE: This process is no longer run by Company and Pay Period End Date.
  7. Enter or select the Pay Run ID.
  8. Select the Run button.
  9. The Process Scheduler Request page displays.
  10. If the Server Name field is empty, enter or select PSUNX.
  11. Be sure the Select check box for the process is turned on.
  12. Select the OK button.
  13. The Create HCA Average Cost Paysheets page displays.
  14. Make note of the Process Instance number, and select the Process Monitor link.
  15. The Process Monitor page displays.
  16. From the Process List tab, select the Refresh button periodically until the Run Status field is Success and the Distribution Status field is Posted.
  17. Select the Details link.
  18. The Process Detail page displays.
  19. Select the View Log/Trace link, located in the Actions section.
  20. The View Log/Trace page displays.
  21. The log files are in the File List section of the page.
  22. Select the HCA_AVG_COST_ProcessInstanceNumber.log link. Be sure to look at both logs for information.
  23. A new window will open for each .log link. Examine the log to see who was affected by the run of this process. Research and resolve any error messages displayed in log.
  24. Close the tab to close the file.

End of procedure.


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