9.2 Processing Mass Enrollment Requests
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for processing mass enrollment requests in ctcLink.
Audience: All staff.
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZZ SR Mass Enrollment
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Mass Enrollments allow colleges to perform multiple Enrollment Requests. The process requires the Enrollment Request ID(s) generated when a Student Block is merged with a Class Block on the Block Enroll Merge page. The following QRGs will lead up to and include the creation of an Enrollment Request ID.
- 9.2 Defining Student Enrollment Blocks
- 9.2 Defining Class Enrollment Blocks
9.2 Processing Block Enrollments
- Once you've selected the Merge button on the Block Enroll Merge page, note the generated Enrollment Request ID(s).
Processing Mass Enrollment Requests
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Records and Enrollment > Enroll Students > Mass Enrollment

- The Mass Enrollment run control ID search page displays.
- Select the Add a New Value tab.
- Enter Run Control ID.
- Select Add.

- The Mass Enrollment page displays.
- Enter From Enrollment Request ID.
- Enter To Enrollment Request ID.
- Select Run.

- The Process Scheduler Request page displays.
- Select Mass Enrollment Job.
- Select Stud Records Mass Enrollment.
- Select OK. Refer to the Process Scheduling QRG for instructions.

- Confirm that the Process Monitor shows "Success" and "Posted" for the instance. Again, please refer to the Process Scheduling QRG for instructions.
- Process complete.
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