9.2 Paysheet Holding Load (PSHUP_TXN)

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for how to load the PSHUP File Template .CSV file to the Paysheet Holding Update (PSHUP_TXN) staging table.

This procedure expects only CSV formatted files for the PSHUP load process. Any other file type will generate an error during the load process. This assumes you have already received the proper formatted file or the file was created following the procedure for Utilizing the PSHUP File Template QRG.

Audience:  Payroll Administrators, Benefits Administrators, Faculty Workload Administrators

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZD FWL HCM View Pay
  • ZZ FWL HCM Pay Process
  • ZZ Payroll Processing
  • ZZ SS Payroll

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Paysheet Holding Load (PSHUP_TXN)

Access the Paysheet Holding Load process:

Navigation:  Payroll for North America > CTC Custom > CTC Processes > Paysheet Holding Load 

  1. The Paysheet Holding Load run control Find an Existing Value search page displays.
  2. Enter a Run Control ID if you have run this process previously or select the Add a New Value tab and enter a new Run Control ID.
  3. For an existing Run Control, select the Search button; for adding a new value, select the Add button.
  4. The Paysheet Holding Load (PSHUP_TXN) page displays.
  5. In the Paysheet Holding Load File section, select the Attach File icon to select the CSV formatted file to be loaded.
  6. The File Attachment pagelet displays.
  7. Select the Choose File button to open your computer's File Explorer.
  8. Locate and select the file.
  9. Select the Open button in the file explorer window.
  10. Select the Upload button on the File Attachment pagelet.
  11. Back on the Paysheet Holding Load (PSHUP_TXN) page, select the Run button.
  1. The Process Scheduler Request page displays.
  2. Select the OK button to initiate the PSHUP Holding Load process.
  3. When the process has completed, select the Details link.
  4. The Process Detail page displays. Select the Review Log/Trace link to confirm process success or to identify issues.
  5. There are two logs provided in the File List section of the View Log/Trace page:
    a) The main log file (Naming convention = AE_CTC_PSHUP_AE_process instance number.log)
    b) The InvalidValues.log showing lines that did not load (aka issues) If this log file size = 0, then there are no errors.
  6. Select the log file link to open and view the information.
  1. If the InvalidValues.log file showed a file size greater than 0, select that log file link to open and review message(s).
Paysheet Holding Update page, Deductions tab.
  1. If there are issues encountered during the process to load files to the Paysheet Holding Update (PSHUP_TXN) staging table,
    a) Identify the issue creating the error.
    b) Determine where and how in HCM to fix the error.
    c) If the error count is few, consider entering the corrected line(s) in the staging table directly. Follow instruction in the 9.2 Paysheet Holding Update (PSHUP_TXN) QRG.
    d) If the error count is high, consider putting the corrected error lines on an appropriate PSHUP File Template.
        Run this load process again for those lines that did not originally load.

 End of procedure.


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