Utilizing the PSHUP File Template

Purpose:  Use this document as a reference for how to populate the PSHUP template file for Earnings, Deductions or Taxes transaction type in ctcLink.  The use of this template file is optional, it is typically only used when there is a high volume of PSHUP transactions.

Audience:  Payroll Administrators, Benefits Administrators, Faculty Workload Administrators.

NOTE:  Typically, PSHUP transaction entries are done directly in the Paysheet Holding Update page. Refer to the QRG: Paysheet Holding Update (PSHUP_TXN).

Utilizing the PSHUP File Template

Below are the links to the MS Excel templates (.xlsx) for use when a large volume of PSHUP transactions are needed - select hyperlink to open files.

NOTE: When you are ready to use these files for payroll, you will be saving them with the CSV format.

  1. PSHUP Template for EARNINGS
  2. PSHUP Template for DEDUCTIONS
  3. PSHUP Template for TAXES

ALERT:  Although this is not recommended, you can mix earnings, deductions, and taxes type of transactions in the same PSHUP file. You can also set the same Creation Date for all data in the file or use different Creation Date on a subset of data in the CSV file.

The Creation Date(s) will determine whether uploading the CSV file will result in creating a single PSHUP file or multiple PSHUP files.

For tracking purposes or ease of working with a large amount of data, it is suggested to use a different creation date for each CSV file. Using Creation Date that a PSHUP file already exists on Paysheet Holding Update will result in the CSV data being added to that PSHUP file.

NOTE: There can be several PSHUP files for your payroll needs with different creation dates. However, the Pay End Date should contain the same date for the payroll being processed.

Before entering any data in the template

  1. Save these files as your example templates.  Save them as MS Excel workbook (with the extension of .XLSX) and name them based on the type of transactions they are used for:
    • EXAMPLE 1 File Name:  PSHUP Template for EARNINGS
      (This example has one row of data which is for the earnings type: STP)
    • EXAMPLE 2 File Name:  PSHUP Template for DEDUCTIONS
      (This example has one row of data which is for deduction code: 000040)
    • EXAMPLE 3 File Name: PSHUP Template for TAXES
      (This example has one row of data which is for federal tax: State: $U)
  2. You can use your template for the actual PSHUP file you want to create.  Start entering your data on row 3 of the example template so you can utilize the example row to be sure you are populating the data fields correctly.  After you have populated your template with the required data rows, delete the example row (row 2) and Save the file as your current period file.  Save the file so that it’s clear which pay period it is for, example: 010_PSHUP_05B_2023_EARNINGS.

Important Information for Filling Out the Template

  1. The columns that are highlighted in GREEN are mandatory depending on the type of transaction entry (earnings vs. deductions vs. taxes).  Be sure to populate your file with current period data, DO NOT copy any data in the GREEN columns from your example row.
template example row 2
  1. The following are key fields (that can uniquely identify rows in a table):

Key          Field Name               Description
Y          PU_SOURCE               Paysheet Update Source
Y          CREATION_DT           Creation Date
Y          COMPANY                 Company
Y          PAYGROUP                 Pay Group
Y          PAY_END_DT              Pay Period End Date
Y          OFF_CYCLE                 Off Cycle ?
Y          EARNS_BEGIN_DT      Earnings Begin Date
Y          EARNS_END_DT         Earnings End Date
Y          EMPLID                       Employee ID
Y          EMPL_RCD                  Employee Record
Y          SEQNO                       Sequence Number

  1. Column A (PU_SOURCE) is a required field. It must be set to 'OT' (Other Sources),
    so the Load Paysheet Transactions (PYLOAD) can recognize the data source for paysheet update.
  2. Column F (OFF_CYCLE) is a required field. It must be set to 'N'.
    If left blank, the Load Paysheet Transactions process (PYLOAD) would not be able to process the data.
  3. Column G and H (EARNS_BEGIN_DT and EARNS_END_DT -
    Leave blank for Deductions and Taxes transactions. When left blank, the Load Paysheet Transactions process (PYLOAD) will set these dates to the current pay period begin/end date. For Earnings type of transactions, you can enter dates to override the default payline values (pay period begin and end date).
  4. Column K (SEQNO) is a required field. The sequence number needs to be unique based on other key data: Pay End Date, Empl ID, Empl Rcd and Pay Group.
    For data entry simplicity and efficiencies, you can simply number each row in the spreadsheet sequentially, i.e.: row 2 = 1, row 3 = 2, row 4 = 3, etc. all the way down to the last row.
  5. Columns R, S, T & U (DEPTID, JOBCODE, POSITION_NBR & ACCT_CD) are NOT required fields, however, the data should be populated if it’s an “override” to the employee’s job data or if different from the CTC Earnings Distribution.
  6. Column AB (OTH_HRS) - Set to 0.00 for Deductions and Taxes transactions.
    For Earnings type of transactions, enter the number of hours paid via the Earnings Code.
  7. Column AD (OK_TO_PAY) - Normally, set to 'Y'.
  8. Columns AF, AG & AP (STATE, LOCALITY, TAX_CLASS) are for Taxes type of transactions. Otherwise, leave blank.
  9. Column AQ (ONE_TIME_CD) is a required field for Deductions and Taxes transactions. Be sure to use the correct code ie: A=Addition, O=Override, or R=Refund.  When entering an amount for a One-Time Code of R (Refund), use a positive amount. The system will utilize the one-time code of R to process the refund. If you use a negative amount for a refund, the amount will be deducted from the employee's pay, not refunded.
  10. Columns AS, AT, AU, AV & AW (PLAN_TYPE, BENEFIT_PLAN, DEDCD, DED_CLASS, & DED_CALC) are required for Deductions transactions. It is important to note that for the Deductions transactions, the PLAN_TYPE (column AS) is populated with a 2-character plan code, and the DEDCD (column AU) is populated with a 6-character deduction code. For example, for Medical Plan, PLAN_TYPE: 10, DEDCD: 000040. DO NOT change the formatting of these cells, both should already be formatted as "General" or "Text".
  11. The columns that are highlighted in ORANGE are mandatory as well, but you will need to copy them down as they are entered in the example row on the template (unless you need to use those fields in your transactions).  
template example
  1. Once you have entered all the transactions into your template, go through and copy down any data in the orange highlighted columns so that all rows have that data copied into them.
  2. Go through your transactions and make sure you are not missing any required data fields. DO NOT copy down the columns where there are blanks.
  3. After you have populated your template with the required data rows, delete the example row (row 2) and save the file as your current period file.  Save the file so that it is clear which pay period it is for - example:  010_PSHUP_05B_2023_EARNINGS.
  4. When you are ready to use your files for the payroll, save the file with the extension of .CSV file and be sure the file name defines which pay period and type of transaction it is for, example:
file name example with file type as CSV
  1. Load the .CSV file using the instructions provided in the Paysheet Holding Load (PSHUP_TXN) QRG for instructions.


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