Assigning a Milestone to an Individual Student

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for assigning a milestone to an individual student in ctcLink.

Audience: Student Records Staff.

You must have at least one of these local college-managed security roles:

  • ZC SR Milestones
  • ZD SR Milestones
  • ZD SR Super User
  • ZZ SR Milestones

You must also set these SACR Security permissions:

If you need assistance with the above security roles or SACR settings, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

To assign a milestone, a student must have an active Student Program Plan stackIf a plan is not active, you will receive a system Warning message. 

Assigning a Milestone to an Individual Student

Navigation: Records and Enrollment > Enroll Students > Student Milestones

  1. On the Student Milestones search page, select the Add a New Value tab.
  2. Enter or look up the Student ID.
  3. Enter or look up the Academic Institution.
  4. Enter or look up the Academic Career.
  5. Enter or look up the Academic Program.
  6. Select Add, and the Student Milestones page will display.  Suppose the student already has an existing Milestone for the given Academic Institution, Academic Career, and Academic Program combination. In that case, the system will display the existing Milestone entry in the Search Results section of the page, where you can select the desired entry from the list.  
  7. On the Student Milestones page, enter or select the Effective date.  If you are updating an existing Milestone record for the student, use the Add a New Row icon (plus sign to the right of the Milestone Copy button) to insert a new effective dated row to the record before updating the Milestone.
  8. Enter or look up the Milestone.
  9. Enter or look up the Milestone Level.  The Milestone Level is optional based on if a Milestone Level has been defined for the Milestone selected.
  10. Enter or look up the Academic Plan.  Adding the Academic Plan is optional; specify the value only if the Milestone being used should be assigned at the Academic Plan level for the student.
  11. Leave the remaining fields on the page as per the defaults specified from the Milestone and Milestone Level selected.
  12. Select Save, located at the bottom left of screen. 
  13. Process complete.

Adding Additional Milestones to an Individual Student

  1. On the Student Milestones search page, select the Find an Existing Value tab.
  2. Enter or look up the Student ID. (required)
  3. Enter or look up the Academic Institution. (optional)
  4. Enter or look up the Academic Career. (optional)
  5. Enter or look up the Academic Program. (optional)
  6. Select the Include History option.
  7. Select Search and select the desired entry from the Search Results that the system displays.
  8. The Student Milestones page will display.
  9. On the Student Milestones page, select the Add a New Row icon (plus sign to the right of the Milestone Copy button) to insert a new effective dated row to the milestone record.  Leave the data that is copied forward to the new effective date unless you are planning to update the existing Milestone entry or entries.
Student Milestones page
  1. In the Milestone Detail section of the page, select the Add a New Row icon (plus sign located to the right of the Milestone Nbr field) to insert a new Milestone value to the existing record. 
Add new Milestone Row
  1. The number of rows in the Milestone Detail section will be incremented by one once the new Milestone Row has been added.  
  2. Enter or look up the Milestone.
  3. Enter or look up the Milestone Level.  The Milestone Level is optional based on if a Milestone Level has been defined for the Milestone selected.
  4. Enter or look up the Academic Plan.  The Academic Plan is optional; specify the value only if the Milestone being used should be assigned at the Academic Plan level for the student.
  5. Leave the remaining fields on the page as per the defaults specified from the Milestone and Milestone Level selected.
  6. Select Save. 
  7. Process complete.

Deleting a Milestone without Correct History

  • When you add a new row, all milestones carryover. From the new row, you can then remove (minus) the milestone you want to “delete.” If you are removing the ONLY milestone that has been applied to the student, it will not work. To be considered, a row must have at least one milestone included. 
  • If you choose to leverage this approach to milestone deletion, we have a recommendation. Create a milestone for the purpose of removing milestones. Name it appropriately and set it not to print. When staff “remove” a previously recorded milestone, they can add this milestone and add information about why and when the milestone in question was removed. This will provide an audit trail AND provide the milestone data needed (making it possible to remove a milestone where only one existed). 
  1. On the Student Milestones search page, select the Find an Existing Value tab.
  2. Enter or look up the Student ID. (required)
  3. Enter or look up the Academic Institution. (optional)
  4. Enter or look up the Academic Career. (optional)
  5. Enter or look up the Academic Program. (optional)
  6. Select the Include History option.
  7. Select Search and select the desired entry from the Search Results that the system displays.
  8. The Student Milestones page will display.
  9. Add a New Row icon (plus sign to the right of the Milestone Copy button) to insert a new effective dated row to the record before deleting an existing  Milestone.
  10. A new effective dated row displays.
  11. Select the minus sign [-] in the Milestone Detail section to delete the Milestone.
  12. Select Save.
  13. Process complete.


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