9.2 Schedule New Classes
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for scheduling new classes in ctcLink.
Audience: Staff responsible for maintaining class schedules.
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZC CM Class Builder
- ZD CM Class Builder
- ZZ CM Local Configuration
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
You also must set the following SACR Security permission:
If the course has already been scheduled for this term, refer to the “Schedule Additional Class Sections” QRG.
Before combining sections, make sure you have created all needed sections and components (e.g. lab and lecture) FIRST. Build an extra, just in case (set your extra to “tentative” and then it is there for emergencies).
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Curriculum Management > Schedule of Classes > Schedule New Course
- Enter as much search information as possible to narrow the search. Suggested fields are below. Select the lookup icon (magnifying glass) for a list of values.
- Academic Institution
- Term
- Subject Area
- Catalog Nbr
- Select the Search button.

- Select the appropriate class from the search results.
Basic Data tab required fields:
- Session: select from the lookup list values. When students enroll in the class, the field greys out. To change the session, you must rebuild the class as a DYN (or OEE) Session and run the DYN date process.
- Class Section: determined by the local institutional process.
- Start/End Date: automatically populates based on the selected session but can be modified.
- Component: defaults to the primary component set up in the Course Catalog but can be modified.
- Class Type: most courses will be set to allow student enrollment; set to Non-Enroll for Auto-Enroll Component classes.
- Associated Class: used to link class sections that constitute a single course offering. For instance, lecture, lab, and discussion sections are combined into one class number to indicate that the three components are related to one another.
- Location: defaults to main, important to update when class is not on main campus and required for Dept. of Corrections classes for reporting to SBCTC.
- Academic Organization: auto-populates from the Course Catalog.
- Holiday Schedule: auto-populates from the session selection.
- Instruction Mode: using the looking glass, you can view the various Instruction Modes and choose one based on the course offering. The field defaults to P for In Person.
- Legacy Item Number Attribute: used during class conversion
- Class Attributes: auto-populates from the Course Catalog.
- Non-Required fields are used based on local college process.
Select the Schedule Print checkbox below the Add Fee button in order for students to search for the class and enroll. The checkbox does not need to be selected in order to successfully select save; it must be selected to allow search/ enrollment.
Note for CampusCE
Information and Fields that carry over to CampusCE:
- CourseID
- Term
- Subject Area
- Class Nbr
- Catalog Nbr
- Class Section
- Start/End Date
Only the graded component goes to CampusCE.
Classes will move to CampusCE regardless of schedule print checkbox on or off.

Associated Class number has impacts on Enrollment Requirement Groups, Enrollment Actions and Wait List processing. With the exception of multiple component classes that are linked by Associated class number, it is recommended that colleges give class sections unique Class Association numbers
Note: The Auto Create Component button is used to add additional sections for multiple component classes. (i.e. a course with lecture and lab components). Components are set up on the Course Catalog page. See the QRG Defining Class Associations for additional information.
- Select the Meetings tab.
Note of CampusCE
All the meeting pattern info moves to CampusCE, along with Building name, Facility ID and Description.
- In the Meeting Pattern section enter the following:
- Facility ID: click the lookup icon to select a classroom or enter the information if known.
- Capacity Pat: select from the available meeting patterns, if a matching meeting pattern is not available select the meeting days of the week under the M T W T F S S headings.
- Mtg Start: enter the class start time (e.g. 8:00 AM).
- Mtg End: enter the class end time (e.g. 8:50 AM).
- Start/End Date: courses can have multiple meeting patterns in a selected term, input the start and end dates for this specific meeting pattern. Select the (+) to enter additional meeting patterns. For example, meeting patterns may need to be adjusted for holidays.
Note for CampusCE
If the class has a topic, use a topic ID# (must be set up on the course) or add a free form topic. These will be sent to CampusCE.
- In the Instructors for Meeting Pattern section, enter the following:
- Instructor ID: enter the instructor ID or select it using the lookup icon. If there is more than one instructor select the (+) and enter one ID per row.
- For each instructor, select the following:
- Assignment Tab
- Instructor Role (Primary, TA, etc).
- Access Levels
- Approve: enter grades and approve the grade roster.
- Grade: only enter grades for the class.
- Post: enter grades, approve the roster, and post the grades.
- Access Levels
- Workload Tab
- Assign Type
- Load Factor
- Instructor Role (Primary, TA, etc).
- Assignment Tab
Note for CampusCE
Instructor name and EMPLID are sent to CampusCE. Instructor name can be edited in CampusCE by updating the display name.
Note: These fields are used for Faculty Workload, see additional details on the Faculty Workload QRGs.

- Select the Enrollment Cntrl tab to set enrollment limits and capacity requirements, and to identify sections for which you want the system to auto enroll students.
- Class Status: defaults to “Active” but can be modified if sessions are added or cancelled.
- Add Consent and Drop Consent fields default from the Catalog Data page and indicate the type of consent, if any that is required to enroll in or drop the class.
- Enter the appropriate values for Room Capacity, Enrollment Capacity, Wait List Capacity and Minimum Enrollment Nbr:
Note for CampusCE
- Only Active classes, from the CNED career move to CampusCE.
- Only the enrolled section will move to CampusCE, non enrollment sections do not move.
- Consent is not used.
Note: Component classes that are auto enrolled need to equal the capacity for the primary course
- Enter the component/associated courses in the 1st Auto Enroll 2nd Auto Enroll sections. These are the courses into which the student will be auto enrolled. (i.e. lecture course is the primary course the student enrolls in and they are auto-enrolled into a lab component section).

- Select the Reserve Cap tab to assign reserve capacities for class sections.
Note for CampusCE
- Enrollment Capacity and Minimum Enrollment Nbr can be populated and sent to CampusCE.
- Capacity can be changed in CampusCE but this will not change the capacity in ctcLink PeopleSoft, and could cause enrollment issues. Be sure to change in both systems.

- Select the Notes tab to attach existing class notes or free-form text notes to class sections. Class notes are printed in the Schedule of Classes to provide students with information on the class.

Notes for CampusCE
Use a Note Nbr or Free Format Text to provide additional information to students in CampusCE.
- Select the Exam tab to manually schedule exam times for the class sections. Enter the appropriate values into Exam Date, Exam Start (time) and Exam End (time).

- Select the Save button.
- To schedule another section of the same course, select the Basic Data tab.
- Select the Plus (+) button on the Basic Data tab to add a new row.
- Repeat steps above.

- Select the Save button after adding each course section.
- Textbooks can be added when new class sections are scheduled or at a later time. For instructions on adding textbooks use the Adding Textbook Information to a Class QRG.
Good morning! The question has come up regarding the ability to change the Session under class sections on the basic data page once a class has been scheduled. Currently it is set as "1" which equals the regular academic session. However, the division would like to change it to DYN. Is this change possible? The field is currently greyed out. Or does it require cancelling this section and creating a new one with the DYN setting? Are you able to point me to a place in a QRG that explains what is happening with the field being greyed out?
Thank you!
Tanjagay Martin
Hi Douglas, Your question is greatly appreciated; thank you. When students enroll in the class, the field greys out. You must rebuild the class as a DYN (or OEE) Session and run the DYN date process. Thank you for your time, and have a great day! ~Tanjagay Martin | CS Core Trainer
Tanjagay Martin
Hello Kristene, We recommend contacting Enrollment or Advisement Services at the institution you are interested in attending. The college of your choice will be able to assist you with selecting and successfully enrolling in summer classes. Thank you so much for your question. Have a great day! ~Tanjagay Martin | CS Core Trainer