9.2 Processing Block Enroll with a Pre-Generated Enrollment Request ID
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for how to process block enrollment with a pre-generated enrollment request ID in ctcLink.
Audience: Academic Advisement Report builders
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZD SR Enroll Students
- ZD SR Super User
- ZZ SR Enroll Students
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
OEE Classes: The start date field is not available with Block Enrollment. To enroll students in OEE classes, use the Enrollment Request or Quick Enrollment processes.
Processing Block Enrollment
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Records and Enrollment > Enroll Students > Block Enrollment > Block Enroll Merge
Your user defaults for Academic Institution must be set prior to completing these steps. Please refer to the Setting User Defaults QRG.
- The Block Enroll Merge search page displays.
- Enter the pre-generated Enrollment Request ID.
- Select Search.

- The Block Enroll Merge tab displays.
- Select Submit.

- When the Request Status turns to "Success", the process is complete.
- Select Retrieve to review the transaction details for each student.

- The Block Enroll Detail tab displays.
- Select Detail to view more information about a student.

- The Block Enroll Detail 1 tab displays.
- Select the Block Enroll Detail 2 tab.

- The Block Enroll Detail 2 tab displays.
- If you've altered data on any of the tabs, select Save.

- Process complete.
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