ctcLink Reference Center9.2 Campus Solutions9.2 CS - Student Records9.2 End of Term ProcessesPERC: Dropping Students Who Do Not Meet Enrollment Requirements

PERC: Dropping Students Who Do Not Meet Enrollment Requirements

Purpose: The Post Enrollment Requirement Checking (PERC) process evaluates student eligibility to remain enrolled in next term's classes. After running PERC, students who do not satisfy enrollment requirements can be dropped manually from the Enrollment Requirement Roster or in batch by running the Process Drop Requests process.

Audience:  Enrollment Services staff.

You must have at least one of these local college-managed security roles:

  • ZD CM Class Roster
  • ZD CM Course and Class Inquiry
  • ZZ CM Local Configuration
  • ZZ CM Post Enrollment Req

Additionally, you must have these SACR Security settings:

If you need assistance with the above security roles or SACR Security settings, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Related QRGs:


  • Run the query QCS_SR_ENROLL_REQ_ERROR_MSG to retrieve a detailed list of enrollment request errors, including error messages and message parameter values. For example, you can filter students with error messages by Enrollment Request ID, Enrollment Request Source, Enrollment Request Date, Student ID, and Term. In addition, this query identifies error messages generated by Block Enroll functions such as Waitlist (Source = Wait List Engine) and Enrollment Cancellation (Drop for Nonpayment) (Source = Term Withdrawal Engine).
  • Queries are periodically updated to ensure accuracy. To access the most current query information, we advise visiting dataservicesmetalink.sbctc.edu. Moreover, we encourage you to discover the best methods for finding queries and reports by visiting Recommended Methods for Searching Queries and Reports.
Warning: Running PERC More than Once Per Term and Drop Request Indicators

Colleges that run PERC more than once per term should consider the impacts of the following scenario: students whose PERC drops and later re-enroll after meeting enrollment requirements may be dropped by PERC again.

This issue can be recreated in a test environment with the following steps:

  1. Run the Post Enrollment Requirement Checking process, with the process set to apply a Drop Request Indicator if a student is found to Not Satisfy enrollment requirements.
  2. After PERC finishes running, identify a student with a Drop Request Indicator. Drop the student from the class. (You can use the Process Drop Requests process, drop directly from the Enrollment Requirement Roster, or drop through Enrollment Request/ Quick Enroll using the PERC drop reason code.)
  3.  Update the student's record so that they now Satisfy the enrollment requirements of the class. This mimics how a student may become eligible for enrollment after being dropped for PERC.
  4. Re-enroll the student into the class. The student is enrolled and Satisfies enrollment requirements.
  5. Navigate to the Enrollment Requirement Roster for the class. Note that the Drop Request Indicator is still set for the student even though they dropped from the class and re-enrolled after satisfying enrollment requirements. The Drop Request Indicator is not placed when PERC is rerun; it is placed immediately upon the student's enrollment in the class.

Once PERC has determined a specific student does not satisfy enrollment requirements, the Drop Request Indicator remains on the student's enrollment on the Enrollment Requirement Roster. This is true even if a student enrolls again after satisfying enrollment requirements. This generally results in students who satisfy enrollment requirements being dropped when the PERC Process Drop Requests process runs again because PERC never re-evaluated them.


If PERC is run more than once per term, consider how Drop Request Indicators will be removed from students who are dropped from class so that PERC can re-evaluate them if they re-enroll. A college might:

  • Choose not to set the Drop Request Indicator and instead drop students based on Post Enroll Req status.
  • Manually drop students via the Enrollment Requirement Roster, removing the Drop Request Indicator before dropping the student.
  • Carefully monitor the enrollment activities of students dropped by PERC so that the student's Drop Request Indicator can be manually removed before the next run of the PERC process.

This issue does not impact colleges that only run PERC once per term.

Drop Students Manually (Enrollment Requirement Roster)

Navigation: Curriculum Management > Enrollment Requirements > Post Enroll Req Checking > Enrollment Requirement Roster

Students can be dropped manually from the Enrollment Requirement Roster. Follow the steps in the PERC: Enrollment Requirement Rosters QRG to drop students from the Enrollment Requirement Roster.

Drop Students in Batch (Process Drop Requests)

You must have at least one of these local college-managed security roles:

  • ZZ CM Local Configuration
  • ZZ CM Post Enrollment Req

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Students can be dropped in batch based on their PERC status.

Navigation: Curriculum Management > Enrollment Requirements > Post Enroll Req Checking > Process Drop Requests

  1. The Process Drop Requests for PERC Run Control ID search page displays.
  2. If you have run this process or report in the past, select the Find an Existing Value tab to enter an existing Run Control ID and select the Search button. If this is the first time running this process or report, select the Add a New Value tab to create a new Run Control ID and select the Add button. 
  3. NOTE: It is important to note that Run Control IDs cannot be deleted. Do not include spaces in your Run Control. We encourage the Run Control ID to have the same process naming convention but unique to the step; because of this, including your institution code and a short process description in the Run Control ID is recommended--e.g., WA220_PERC_DROP_BATCH.
  4. Enter or look up the Academic Institution.
  5. Enter or look up the Term.
  6. Configure the process settings according to your local college business process.
  7. Non-Compliance Selection: Choose which students should be dropped due to not meeting enrollment requirements. There are multiple ways to select students.
  8. Enrollment StatusChoose whether Enrolled, Waitlisted, or both types of students should be dropped due to not meeting enrollment requirements.
  9. Process Drops for Choose to either drop students with a Drop Request Indicator OR students with a post-enrollment requirement status of Conditionally Satisfied and/ or Not Satisfied.
  10. Population Selection: Choose which classes should be included in the PERC drop process.
  11. Population Selection: Select classes using a population selection query. This query can match the query used to run the PERC process, or a query can be used to select a small population of students.
  12. Manual entry by class: List one or more classes to include in the PERC drop process.
  13. Select Run in the top-right corner of the page after identifying the student population. Ensure the Generate and Process Drops checkbox is selected. Refer to the Process Scheduler QRG for instructions. 
  14. Process complete.

Test the PERC drop process in the PCD test environment before running the process in Production. PERC drops cannot be undone in batch; all cleanup related to dropping the wrong students is manual and is the college's responsibility. The PCD Environment is a recent replication of real data. It is a useful place to test-drive new processes or to answer the question “what would happen if?” Be sure to activate your PCD login.

Verify Status of Transactions

  1. Although the Run Status for the PERC drop process was posted successfully, view the Request Status to see if any Transactions are in Error.
  2. Click the Get/Refresh Last Request button in the Transaction panel on the Process Drop Requests for Post Enrollment Requirements page.
  3. The Number of Transactions, Transactions in Error, and Transactions with Message display.
  4. To view the Transactions in Error, click the Enrollment Request ID hyperlink.
  5. The Block Enroll Detail page displays the Number of Transactions identified in the Transaction panel on the Process Drop Requests for Post Enrollment Requirements page.
  6. Selecting the DETAIL link for the Errors found status in the Status column is essential. You can sort by status by clicking the "Status" column header (since E comes before S). Selecting the DETAIL link displays the Block Enroll Detail 1 tab.
  7. You will find instructions for manually resolving the Error in the Message panel.
  1. Co-requisites (concurrent enrollment) result in an error. For instance, let's say a student fails course A, a prerequisite for course B, but course B is a prerequisite for course C.
  2. The PERC drop process attempts to drop the student from course B, but a staff member must simultaneously drop the student from courses B and C from the Enrollment Request or Quick Enrollment pages.
  1. You can also use the Enrollment Request Search page to retrieve the Enrollment Request ID and navigate to the Block Enroll Merge page.
  2. Enter the Enrollment Request ID number on the Block Enroll Merge page and select Search.
  3. On the Block Enroll Merge page, click the Retrieve button to view enrollment statuses on the Block Enroll Detail tab.

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.

Verify Status of Transactions

View the external link to Drop Students in Batch (Process Drop Requests). This link will open in a new tab/window.


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