9.2 NRA (Non Resident Alien) Setup

Purpose:  Use this document to set up NRA (Non Resident Alien Withholding) for Payroll in ctcLink.

Audience:  Payroll Administrators.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZC Payroll Data Maintenance
  • ZZ Payroll Data Maintenance
  • ZZ Payroll Processing

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Non Resident Alien Setup

Navigation:  Payroll for North America > Employee Pay Data USA > Tax Information > Update Employee Tax Data > Federal Tax Data

  1. The Federal Tax Data search page displays.
  2. Enter search criteria and select the Search button.
  3. The Federal Tax Data page displays.
  4. From the Federal Tax data tab, select the Nonresident alien for the Special Withholding Tax Status field. *This is a required field.
  5. Expand the Tax Treat/Non-Resident Data section by selecting the arrow as shown below.
  6. Select the appropriate Country.
  7. Select the appropriate Treaty ID.
  8. If the NRA is not subject to FWT withholding, select No for the Form W-9 Received option.
  9. Select the appropriate NRA Withholding Rule (*NOTE: Subject to Rule is the default).
  10. Select arrow to expand the Education and Government section.
  11. Enter the appropriate Date of Entry (*NOTE: The Treaty Expiration Date should default from the Tax Treaty Table, but can be changed as needed).
  12. Select the appropriate option for the Form 8233 Received field. (*NOTE: If the employee is being paid prior to receiving Form 8233 and No is selected, the Tax Rate After Form Received displayed in the Allowable Earnings Codes section will be used).
  13. Enter the appropriate Effective and Expiration dates for Form 8233.
  14. Select the appropriate option for the Form W-8 Received.
  15. If a W-8 form was received, enter the Effective and Expiration dates accordingly.
  16. Select the State Tax Data tab, located at the top of the page, to continue the process.
Tax Treaty, Non Resident Data, Education and Government sections
  1. Uncheck the Resident checkbox.
  2. Select Nonresident alien (Fed Rules) for the Special Withholding Tax Status field.
  3. Select the Save button.

Job Data

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZC HR Employee Maintenance
  • ZD FWL HCM View Pay
  • ZD HR Central Config VW
  • ZD HR Admin View Job Data
  • ZD Benefits Employee Data Inq
  • ZD HR Employee Maintenance VW
  • ZD HR Limited Person Job Info
  • ZZ HR Employee Maintenance
  • ZZ SS Workforce Administrator
  • ZZ FWL HCM Pay Process

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

If the TCH earnings being paid to the NRA are coming from Job Data (i.e. Full-Time Faculty setup with a “Salary”), then you’ll need to change the Job Earnings Distribution Earnings Code to the appropriate earnings code for these earnings (for NRA use the TCH earnings code) to ensure the appropriate earnings code is used for the “regular” pay.  In addition you’ll need to update CTC Earnings Distribution and assign the TCH earnings code.

Navigation:  Workforce Administrator > Job Information > Job Data

  1. The Job Data search page displays.
  2. Enter the applicable search criteria.
  3. Select the Search button.
  4. The Job Data page displays.
  5. On the Work Location tab, enter the *Effective Date (or use the calendar icon to select a date using a calendar view).
  6. Select Earnings Distribution Change from the drop-down menu for the *Action field. (NOTE:  Fields with an asterisks are required and must have a valid value entered).
  7. Select the Earnings Distribution link at the bottom of the page.
  8. The Job Earnings Distribution pagelet displays.
  9. Select By Percent for a valid value in the *Earnings Distribution Type field.
  10. Select the *Earnings Code of TCH.
  11. Select the Job Data link, at the bottom of the page, to return to the Job Data page.
  12. The Job Data page displays.
  13. On the CTC Earnings Distribution tab, make sure the *Earnings Code is TCH.
  14. Select the Save button

Not Receiving Form 1042

For Non-Resident Aliens that are not receiving Form 1042, the setup is different as shown below.

Navigation:  Payroll for North America > Employee Pay Data USA > Tax Information > Update Employee Tax Data > Federal Tax Data

  1. The Federal Tax Data search page displays.
  2. Enter search criteria and select the Search button.
  3. The Federal Tax Data page displays.
  4. On the Federal Tax Data tab, select Nonresident alien for the *Special Withholding Tax Status field.
  5. Select the Federal Unemployment Tax section, then select the Exempt from FUT box.
  6. Select the Tax Treaty/Non-Resident Data section. (Expand area, if needed, by selecting arrow to the left).
  7. Select the appropriate Country value.  (NOTE:  If the NRA is NOT a resident of a Country in the drop-down, select $S as the Country).
  8. Select the appropriate Treaty ID.  (NOTE:  If the $S Country value was selected, select the QKNA Treaty ID).
  9. The Form W-9 Received value should default to No (which is fine unless the NRA submitted a W-9).
  10. NRA Withholding Rule should default to Subject to Rule.
  11. Select the Save button.

Process complete.


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