9.2 TIAA-CREF Over 6 Pct Report

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for using the custom TIAA-CREF Over 6 Pct Report in ctcLink.

Audience: Benefits Administrators, Payroll Administrators.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZD Benefits Reporting
  • ZZ Payroll Processing

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

This report will be used by Payroll Administrators to help identify those TIAA-CREF 7.5 and 10 percent plans to charge the excess above 6 percent to the correct fund. It does not redistribute the funds, it merely identifies those that need redistribution.

TIAA-CREF Over 6 Pct Report

Navigation:  Payroll for North America > CTC Custom > CTC Reports > TIAA-CREF Over 6 Pct

  1. The TIAA-CREF Over 6 Pct run control search page displays.
  2. Select the Add a New Value tab.
  3. Enter the desired information into the Run Control ID field.
  4. Select the Add button.
  5. The Distribute Benefits Charges to Multiple Accounts page displays.
  6. Enter the desired information into the following fields:
    1. Company (college code).
    2. From Date:
      • You may select the calendar icon to find a specific date, or manually enter the dates in the following format: XX/XX/XXXX
      • The dates you choose here will either catch Pay End Dates or not in the report
    3. To Date
  7. Select the Run button.
  8. The Process Scheduler Request page displays.
  9. Select the OK button.
  10. The Distribute Benefits Charges to Multiple Accounts page displays.
  11. Make note of the Process Instance number.
  12. Select the Process Monitor link.
  13. The Process Monitor page displays.
  14. From the Process List tab, select the Refresh button periodically until the Run Status is Success and the Distribution Status is Posted. The process is finished once this occurs.
  15. Select the Go back to TIAA-CREF Over 6 Pct link.
  16. The Distribute Benefits Charges to Multiple Accounts page displays.
  17. Select the Report Manager link.
  18. The Report Manager page displays.
  19. From the List tab, select the xlsx (Excel) file link in the Reports section.
  20. The Report Index page displays.
  21. Select the TIAA-CREF Over Pct.xlsx link in the File List section to open the excel spreadsheet.
  1. Once the Excel spreadsheet opens the report you can view detailed information; including a report summary at the bottom of the sheet.
  2. The report contains the following fields, which are mostly taken from the HR Accounting Line tables:
    • EMPLID
    • PAY END DATE (based on your date selection when setting the Run Control Parameters prior to running the report)
    • PAYR ACCT (current account being charged)
Report Results in Excel Spreadsheet
Report Summary with Totals
  1. Use the results of this report to adjust from current PAYR ACCT to the new account, as needed.  
    • This will take the cooperation of the local Finance professionals in General Ledger (GL). Contact your local GL accountant to follow the needed adjustment procedure.

End of procedure.


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